Shipping from China to Amazon FBA
If you're an Amazon seller and need to import your goods from China, you want to send your goods from China to Amazon FBA . It can be not easy, and especially you are new to importing from China. There are a three ways to shipping from China to Amazon FBA . 1. You may opt to ship from China straight to Amazon's FBA. 2. This way is cost-effective and faster than other choices. 3. On the other hand, you may opt to send to your house or use a middleman for inspection before shipping to Amazon. This way, you'll be able to guarantee and ensure that your products fulfil Amazon's strict quality requirement. How much will it price to ship to Amazon FBA? The FBA fees two types of charges; Fulfillment charges and inventory fees. Fulfilment prices range from $2.41 to $5 for standard dimensions products, while oversized fees range from $8.26 to $137.32 for small & unique oversize products. This fee covers all of the packaging, packaging, and shipping of a prod...